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December 23, 2006

Oh No! Look what I have created.

I am high maintenance. In all respects. It appears that my genes are strong. Darrow appears to be taking after me. This may not be a good thing.  Darrow has been letting her hair grow, it is quite long. I insisted that she get a haircut. She agreed, but only, "If it is a fancy place." No more Super Cuts for my princessa. Oh boy. She is waiting for the day to come when I will take her to my over priced salon. (It is a great place, but she is seven. Even I have boundaries.) So, I found a reasonable by Palo Alto standards priced Salon. She approved of the decor, it was hip and trendy enough for my daughter.  They even carried the over priced French products that I use. So Darrow was ready to get her hair done. The highlight of the activity,"They washed my hair in one of those tub thingies..."

The glamorama was not over. I was in need of some new make up. We strolled over to Mahin and Co. on California Ave. Mahin is a small boutique that carries products that you usually have to travel to France for. No passport needed- I was ready to stock up on French soaps, T. Leclerc make up, and Diptyque candles. Darrow was happy to sample the fine perfumes, and was given a lovely Roger et Gallet soap. When all was done, we were smelling and looking good. Nothing like an afternoon of mother-daughter bonding.
