How cool is it that in Palo Alto, we get to go to a Black and White Ball? Last night, sponsors and attendees came together to support two of the values that make Palo Alto great: a strong sense of community and our excellent schools. The Ball benefited both the Palo Alto Recreation Foundation, which promotes the social, cultural and recreational needs of Palo Alto residents, especially teens, and Palo Alto Partners in Education, which sustains our community tradition of extraordinary education. So a BIG hats off to the organizers and sponsors (Sunny Dykwel - you rock!) of this AMAZING event and giving us all a chance to get dressed up and remember that there is life beyond parenting!
The best part was running in to a LOT of the Silicon Valley Moms Blog contributors and their friends.... so without further adieu, check out how much fun we actually had!
I pulled Mike's tux out of the closet, which hasn't been worn since our wedding! We couldn't believe that it still fits. More amazing was that we actually found all the clips and bows (male accoutrement's) that goes with the tux! (Picture of Jill and Michael Asher)
It was a blast to get all dressed up, but as you will see in later pictures, I wore the most UNCOMFORTABLE shoes EVER!
Never one to miss ANY party, trendy Pamela and hubby David Hornik made it to the ball, looking oh so retro and cool. The "Ball" just wouldn't be a party without the Hornik's! Can someone PLEASE tell Pamela to smile?
Check out Glennia Campbell and her hubby Frank - doesn't Glennia look GORGEOUS all dressed up? Wow!!!! Glennia is a contributor of SV Moms Blog, creator of the The Silent I, contributor of Kimchi Mamas and Career Moms Radio. (She is also the former Prez of PAMP). I was speechless.... she really looked gorgeous!
The always lovely Susie and hubby Gary looked smashing. Poor Gary - I think we overdid it a little with encouraging him to write on SV Moms Day for "Male Testosterone Monday" - not sure what that is? Well, you will just have to visit SV Moms Blog TOMORROW (Monday, October 9th) to see what we are talking about.... Gary, hope to see your post! How is that for pressure?
Lisa Barkin and Nancy Smith (PTA President of Fairmeadow Elementary School) were a lovely 'husbandless" couple for the evening. Steve, we promise that Lisa behaved herself... oh, and she was one of the grand prize raffle winners! Can you believe she won a two year membership to the Palo Alto Gym, Equinox? Ok, that is really cool..... you luck lady!
Isn't it always weird bumping into folks you know in the bathroom - and it is even stranger when it is out of context? SV Moms Blog contributor and very elegant Sarah Granger (and creator of her personal blog) saw me first in the ladies room and it took a few seconds for me to realize who she was (sorry!). We are use to seeing one another in jeans or tshirts - not all decked out! Sarah and hubby also made it to the ball... and again, I think I shamed hubby into writing for "Testosterone Day". Doesn't Sarah look like a runway model? Of course, hubby looks lovely, too!
And how could we forget to add Enoch Choi to our picture roll? Token SV Moms Blog MALE contributor and the cheer leader for many of us showing up... Dr. Enoch Choi, who also has many, many, many personal blogs!
And now for some more pictures of all of us at THE BALL... and who we consider the "Who's Who of Silicon Valley"....
finally... please remeber to wear comfortable shoes to a gala party where you will be standing or dancing all evening. Those high heels may look beautiful but I can guarantee that your feet will be in utter pain by the end and you will wind up going barefoot, just as I did along with a few others..... Thank goodness I had a pedicure yesterday afternoon!