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I left my heart in Cali!

Quericavida 045 This past week I made a trip outside of California in a long time.  My very first trip, alone.  On a plane.  Yes, I left my kids and hubby to go to Miami for 2 days to have the time of my life.  I've been anticipating this trip since February and I have to tell you that nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to experience.  My eldest is 11.  I have never left him to go on a trip anywhere, much less my younger kids.   But here I was... leaving them and my husband for the very first time.

Since I would be gone 2 whole days, my to-do list was 5000 miles long (no exaggeration at all!) I wanted to leave everything ready for whoever was taking care of the kids.  For my hubby, I ironed his uniforms for the next three days.  I left complete outfits (also ironed) for the kids.  I left dinner ready for when my husband would come home on Wednesday.  He took the day off on Thursday, so I prepared Breakfast and lunch for him and the kids.  All he had to do was cook dinner (that I had left ready to cook).  My Boy Scout was leaving for camp on Friday, so I helped him pack for that.  I think I got more exhausted preparing for my departure from them, than I did for the whole trip!

The last time I was on a plane I was still in High School.  15 years since I've been on a plane.  The morning of my flight, I had little butterflies.  By the time I started to check-in my bag, the butterflies grew a little bit bigger.  I passed security, I could definitely feel them getting even bigger.  When I boarded the plane, I was a wreck!  I was shaking and praying like never before!  I looked down and I could physically see my chest vibrate as my heart pounded away.  As I could hear and feel the plane prepare for take off, I lost it.  lol!!

I tried to keep my composure as much as I could, but I couldn't blink the tears back anymore.  I was bawling my eyes out people.  Silently, of course!  There was an empty seat between myself and a woman who was staring at pictures of her family.  I thought to myself "I can do that too".  I tried to peel my upper body off the seat to get my phone and see pictures of the kids, but my fear of letting go of the seat, along with the G-force of the take off, I could barley lift my finger.  Oh jeez, this is just the take off! Imagine when we experience turbulence?   Sure enough, when that thought crossed my mind, we hit minor turbulence ( in my mind of course, I thought it was horrific turbulence).

Once we were at the desired altitude, I started to feel a little better.  I was able to unbuckle my seat belt and get my ipod from my purse and listen to music.  I was trying no to think about the kids.  Don't get me wrong, I love my niños, but I knew if I thought of them, I would start to cry again.  All I could do now, was pray (and I'm sure the good Lord heard me, being so close and all) that my family and kids will be ok.  When I landed, the first thing I did was call my mom to let her know that I landed safe and sound.  I heard the kids in the background, and that gave me a little peace of mind.

All in all, I had the time of my life.  I met great friends and I honestly can't wait to do it again. I had quiet moments, and my own space. Even though I was having fun where ever I went, and what ever I did... I still had my bebes in the back of my mind.  I came home refreshed and renewed.  Ready to Mommy, again!

An original Orange County Moms Blog post.

Liz is a Latina, stay at home Mamí to three kids.  You can also find Liz at her personal blog and twitter.


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