SV Moms Group celebrates the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day
Image by Barbara.Doduk
via Flickr
Inspired by our Los Angeles Moms Blog writer, Elizabeth Peterson from Traded My BMW for a Minivan, we at SV Moms Group are celebrating the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Collectively, we CAN make a difference. We DO make a difference every day. Today, we are sharing insights into new initiatives, advances and ideas for how to make our earth a better place. Read what the SV Moms Group bloggers are doing, thinking, sharing and feeling today for Earth Day.
- Elizabeth Peterson from Traded My BMW for a Minivan is keeping herself open to new ideas today, when Earth Day is 40
- SV Moms Group contributors discuss National Geographic's Green Guide Families for our Earth Day book club
- Kimberly from Tippy Toes and Tantrums shares ideas for how to green up your kid's lunch
- Shannon from ecochick has tons and tons of green shopping ideas for Earth Day
- Stacy from DC Metro Moms Blog engages in confessions of a counterfeit recycler
- April from It's All About Balance recommends starting with one thing that is easy for your family
- Melanie from tales from the crib is going green
- Laura from L.A. Story shares Earth Day celebrations in Los Angeles
- Justice Fergie from Mamalaw admits it's not that easy being green
- Jennifer from Connect with your Teens through Pop Culture and Technology wants you to share Earth Day with your teens
- Sue from Motherhood and Me extended an Earth Day invitation to her mom's group and has all kinds of activities planned for the kiddos
- Jessica from A Parent in Silver Spring has an article in the Washington Post today about free activities for families to celebrate Earth Day week in Washington DC
- Jenny K. from jen0r dot com was alarmed when reading about Garbage Patches in the oceans
- Elizabeth A from a moon, worn as if it had been a shell shares a corner view for Earth Day
- Steph from Problem Solvin Mom asks if you know where your food comes from
- Bonggamom from Finding Bonggamom is greening her lifestyle
- Caryn from Rockin' Mama suggests simple changes: namely, recycling, being mindful of plastics, conserving energy, and opting for safe-er cosmetics
- Robin from The Not-Ever-Still Life posts in honor of Earth Day
- Kristen from Rage Against the Minivan has a public service announcement
- Kristren from Mama Manifesto thinks that every day is Earth Day
- Gina von Esmarch from Bowl Licker celebrates Earth Day with en vougue produce and Earth Day hullabaloo
- Amy M from Teach Mama sneaks in some learning for Earth Day
- Amy Turn Sharp from doobleh-vay shares ideas for raising eco consciousness in your family
- Garima from It's a Start looks to Wikipedia for the answers
- Nancy Loo says goodbye to hairspray for Earth Day
- Alma from Marketing Mommy from determines that Earth Day is getting greener every year
Happy Earth Day to all!