I spend a
lot of time pondering the disparity betweenthe mom I though I would
be, and the
mom I am. I was such a
good mom before having kids. I had dreams of my children playing with
quaint wooden toys, learning piano at a young age, and having picnics in
meadows (eating only organic food, of course). Somehow my reality of
motherhood involved a lot more plastic, McDonalds, and trips to Target
than I ever imagined. That meadow picnic? Yeah, that's never happened.
in my dreams of motherhood, our home would be free of toys that
represent weapons. My oldest was a boy - but I imagined that somehow,
with careful guidance, I could free him from the gender expectations
that give way to a desire for violent objects. Unfortunately, no one
warned me that a predilection for destruction seems to be coded in the
DNA. Despite providing my son Jafta with a playroom full of peaceful,
docile toys, he seems to be drawn only to things that produce
explosions, loud noises, or (best yet),
wounds of the flesh. He was begging for a sword by the time he could
talk. Once he got wind of this light-saber business, everything in the
house (paper towel roll, umbrella, drumstick) was brandished as a
light-saber. And now, despite the fact that he's never seen a movie
much darker than Stuart Little, he is totally and utterly
obsessed with guns.
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