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July 14, 2008

Update from Meagan, Sarah and Devra... compliments of Jill

I have been on the phone with Devra, Meagan and Sarah this morning.  They are now driving from Omaha to Denver.  A few notes they would like to share.

  • Loading content from the vehicle, while driving through Nebraska is well... CHALLENGING.
  • Broadband reception is pretty low in Nebraska. 
  • We are on the forefront of blogging technology.  There is no simple solution.  Connections will be lost one second before it we hit the "save" button.  Figures, huh?
  • But... there is a lot of hay outside of our window!
  • Per Devra, there is a lot longhorn steer 2.0.

As soon as they break for lunch, new pictures, video and content will be loaded. 


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