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December 01, 2008

LA Moms Blog Launch Party - Red Carpet Style

Redcarpet_vacuum2 If we had a chance to roll out the red carpet for the mom bloggers in the Silicon Valley Moms Group regional blogs we would, but when it came to planning the LA Moms Blog Launch party we found something not so surprising about LA: There are multiple red carpet rental places all OVER LA. So it was easy to get a red carpet. In fact, red carpet events happen all over LA every day - so it does not even turn heads. Lamomredcarpetgrp_2

But when our LA Moms Bloggers hit the red carpet - they did turn some heads!  Best of all, the LA Moms Bloggers did not have to vacuum the carpet (except for the Co-Founder),they just struck a  pose. The LA moms also know what to say when interviewed on the red carpet: Laugh, more laughing or when asked what you are wearing say "a dress".

We were thankful to have Chevrolet sponsor our launch party and provide Chevy Traverses to pick up our carpoolers in style and coordination/red carpet consulting from Diedra Wylie of GM. The location was the M Bar in Hollywood, which is not only the "in" hangout to see comedians, but also helpful with red carpet details like taping our banner to the wall. Mom Photographer Laura Joyce made sure each mom had their 15 seconds of fame as they posed on the red carpet. After some refreshments and socializing, the comedy show portion of the party started. The first performer was our own Amy Anderson, who is a LA Moms Blogger and Comedian - all in her spare time. Next we were thrilled to have mom comedian Heather McDonald from E! Chelsea Lately perform, and then treated to another funny mom - Bernadette Balagtas

Heather McDonald even stopped for an interview with the official LA Moms Blog toy microphone. Nancy Minkler from Minkee Tees came with two more from E! Chelsea Lately and had a group red carpet pic (Nancy Minkler, Kit Wallace and Lisa M. Simmons). Dr Linda Li  from E!  Dr. 90210 joined the fun along with Daphne Brogdon from TV Guide Network Show "Fashion Team", local mom celebrity Linda Perry from Peachhead Families and guest Bronwyn Phonseya from Gannett. Disney and Lippin Group stopped by to add some magic.

But the real stars of the show were the LA Moms Bloggers. CLICK HERE to see EXCLUSIVE RED CARPET PICTURES from our launch party in the next section of this post.

Related posts are the LA Moms Blog Launch SWAG BAG post and the New Jersey Moms Blog launch party post from the fabulous event that took place the same weekend.


With the LA Moms Blog, we enjoy showing two sides of moms - the daily mom and the red carpet mom. The philosophical question of the day is "isn't that one in the same"? Listed below are both for your viewing fun:

We missed some other LA Moms Bloggers who could not be there. Donna and Heather wanted to be there, but were very busy with issues related to the Los Angeles area fires that happened that weekend. We were all concerned about the families effected by the fires. We were in contact with the Los Angeles area Times, CBS 2 LA  and LAist about the party, but they were very busy with the fire news. 

Donna and Elizabeth did have a chance to test drive the Chevy Traverse. Kim Tracy Prince blogged about her 15 seconds of fame and a busy day that included the launch party. Michelle Lamar, Deep South Moms Blogger and author of the book "White Trash Mom Handbook" even flew in for the party! She decided that she loves LA and added details of the party to the Entertainment Buzz: Links of the Week on CafeMom.

Here is a slide show of all the pictures taken at the LA Moms Blog Launch Event. The originals can be viewed at the Flickr group LA Moms Blog Launch. The video of the comedy show from the Launch Party is being edited - so check back in a week for some real mom comedy entertainment!


LA Moms Blog Red Carpet Launch Party Flickr Pictures created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR

Original LA Moms Blog post. Beth Blecherman is Co-Founder of the Silicon Valley Moms Group (with Co-Founders Jill Asher and Tekla Nee). Beth's personal blog is TechMamas.com, a tech blog with a parenting slant.


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