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August 24, 2008

Matthew McConaughey's No Nanny Folly

Camila_alves_21876pcn_mccon08cbb_2 According to this article, Matthew McConaughey has refused to get a nanny to help him and Camila Alves care for their new baby.  Who knows if it's true or not. 

But, I can believe it because I felt the same way and it's probably a big part of the reason my marriage ultimate failed.

My husband was a stay at home dad and I was the breadwinner and I thought between the two of us, we should be able to do it all.

The trouble with that was that by the time I got home from work, he was done and ready to drop our baby in my lap and bail.  I felt totally abandoned and overwhelmed, having just worked a stressful 12-hour day myself.

The house was a constant mess and we were lucky to get dinner on the table before 8 or 9 at night.  Well, you know how it is.

Plus, because we never got our kids used to anybody else taking care of them, when we did introduce babysitters and preschool, we couldn't leave without major kicking and screaming for mommy and/or daddy.

If I had it to do all over again, I'd go in debt to get some household help when my babies were little.  It would have cost me a lot less than the divorce did, that's for sure.

And, if I was Matthew McConaughey and had his resources, I'd definitely have a full time, loving caregiver (or two) there to take care of the whole family.  Happy and rested mommy and daddy make for a happy baby.  You can still be a totally hands-on parent while someone else helps out.  Even better if your baby learns to love that other person and realize that you aren't the only person in the world who can comfort her.

I've wised up over the past few years and today, I am immensely grateful to the veritable crew that takes care of me and my kids. Ever since I stopped being afraid, ashamed and embarrassed to ask for help, I've allowed more of everything I want into my life.

That's all for now, I'm off to Burning Man with my kids for the week and I have to go help my personal assistant pack the RV!

This is an original post to LA Moms Blog.  Alexis also blogs at the Intrepid Mompreneur (where she's chronicling her Burning Man family experience) and publishes the Family Wealth Secrets online magazine.


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