I discovered not long after I began blogging three years ago
that even though I intended to blog primarily about books and reading, I
fit into another niche as well: I was a Mom With a Blog. I didn't see
myself as a "mom blogger," really - the "typical" mom blogger seemed to
have younger children than mine, as well as more a more intimate style and approach to content and communication than I envisioned for myself. Still, I did want to share some of
my personal life with my readers, and I've been a mom for my entire
adult life, so I technically qualified.
Many of the other
blogging moms I was drawn to weren't typical mom-bloggers either, as it
happened...but I knew I wanted to connect with this community somehow. I
also knew I was interested in making some off-line connections with the
people I was getting to know online. When the Silicon Valley Moms Group
prepared to expand its network of regional blogs into Southern
California in mid-2008, I was quick to apply as a contributor, and
excited to be among those selected to launch the Los
Angeles Moms Blog.
I've gotten a lot out
of my two years of association with SVMG and LA Moms, including those
"real-life" connections I'd hoped for; I might not have summoned up the nerve to go to to
BlogHer'09 if it weren't for knowing people in those groups. I've also
had a place to write about things that didn't really fit in so well on my personal blog, and exposure to promotional opportunities I'm not sure I would
have found otherwise. All the same, I've felt like a misfit
among the mom bloggers for some time, and forging more ties in the
book-blog community has only intensified those feelings, so I've been
deliberating about my future with the LA Moms Blog for a few months now.
But a couple of weeks ago, a decision was made for me.
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