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April 24, 2008

Are You Pregnant?

Pregnant While volunteering at my son's school, which I worked at last year, a former co-worker asked me something today. She said "I've noticed you've gained weight this year - I thought you might be pregnant - are you?!"

Ummm no. I am actually just gaining weight. And trust me, I'm very aware of this. Due to high cholesterol I started some meds and gained 15 pounds over the past 7 months. For the first time in my life (other than being pregnant) I weigh more than I should for my height and body frame.  Which is a catch 22, because the more overweight you are the more heart risk there is. An not I'm not asking for a sympathy party. No matter what you orginally weighted, gaining 15 pounds in 7 months, and not being pregnant is not a good thing.

My doc switched my meds and despite my attempts to lose the extra weight, I haven't been very successful. So, yes, I am at the weight I was when I was 5 months pregnant (a decade ago).

Which I guess prompted my former co-worker to ask if I was pregnant.

Which brings me to this question - when is it OK and with who is it OK to flat out ask someone if they are pregnant or just gaining weight/overweight? I personally think she had no business asking me.

IF I was pregnant I would have told people when I felt comfortable -regardless of how I looked. IF I look pregnant and I am not, trust me I am aware of it. I would put my former co-worker in the category of acquaintance, not friend. But this really shouldn't even matter. I told her "No, I've been putting on some weight" and changed the topic. Maybe I should have said "No, are you?"

Body image and self-esteem can be a very touchy subject in our society - especially for females. The media is quick to inform us who lost baby weight fast and who looks like they are putting on weight. Maybe because the media is so quick to comment on how celebrities look, we think it is OK for us to comment too? 

I do know that all day long I have been extra aware of how I look. Do other people think I am pregnant? Do other people notice I've been putting on weight? Do others think I'm getting lazy?  Do other people even care? Does it even matter what others think? No, not really. I know how I look. I'm not happy about it, and I'm making changes to fix it.

And I'm not pregnant.

This is an original post on DC Metro Moms. When not trying to lose weight Robin can be found blogging at MyLifeAsItIs and Yup-Another Review Blog.


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