Balance. Ha! Does anyone really have this? This seemingly unreachable yet desperately sought after state of being that everyone else seems to have and the rest of us seem hopelessly unable to achieve. I don't think so. Not for more than five minutes, anyway. Because as soon as you declare to yourself, "Wonderful, my life is finally balanced!" the school calls to tell you that one of your children has been wiping boogers on their classmates or your best friend calls and wants to know why you never have time for her anymore or you boss calls you into her office to let you know that you need to realize that all those early nights you've taken to attend your daughter's Little League games are affecting your work. Balance is a myth. Balance is a cruel peak on a high, remote mountain that beckons you to climb toward it, then mysteriously fades into the clouds, just as you think you've reached the summit.
Take my life, for example. Do I have balance? What would that look like, anyway? I am writing this lead-in, at 10:30 p.m. central time, where I currently find myself, while at my brother's house in Minnesota for my sister's wedding. Yesterday I was in Milwaukee, WI, where I live and run
Anna Grace Photography when I am not traveling, hastily unpacking my suitcase, washing my clothes and repacking for a five day trip. The day before that I was in Northern California, working with clients, photographing their families for my studio in
Los Gatos, and catching a plane back to my "peaceful" life. Last night, while driving the 500 miles from Milwaukee to my hometown, I tried to work on my laptop, to finish up some work I promised a client. All the while I was fielding requests from my four-year-old, listening to the chatter of my teenager and trying to decipher the drama coming from the two school-agers sharing the back seat. Today, I knew I needed to write this article. But I also knew that I needed to go shopping for some wedding clothes, since the 24-hour tour at home left the packing to my husband, who forgot to bring appropriate clothing. I needed to shop for a baby gift for the shower that was squeezed into this family affair and my father wanted me to look over his photographic lighting set up for a work project. Once I'd run from one thing to the next and finally settled myself in my brother's living room to visit with my siblings, I realized that I needed to get myself down to my laptop to write this. Does that sound balanced?
I wish I could say that
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