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November 26, 2007

Giveaway - Windy City Adventure Boot Camp

Windy_city_boot_campHey Chicago Moms! Can we chat for a moment about those extra pounds you have put on since you had a baby?  Who here has NOT lost the pregnancy weight??  You???  Really??? We think we might have a solution to your weight loss challenge.  Have you heard of Windy City Adventure Boot CampWCBC is a fitness program for women of all fitness levels, sizes and ages and right here in Chicago!

A four week boot camp, led by Diana Ozimek, will keep you motivated and on your way to reaching your fitness goals.  It will also help you decrease body fat and inches, increase muscle tone and improve your
endurance and energy.  Who wouldn't want that???

Not only do you get all the above but Diana will change up routines so you don't get bored.  A nutrition seminar is also included in each camp.  Best thing?  You will get constant support!

If you are wanting to get back into those pre pregnancy jeans or just lose a few pounds this is for you! Leave us a comment by Saturday, December 1st and tell us why deserve to win a free registration to this boot camp beginning January 14th in the Lakeview/Wrigleyville area.  (Contributors of Chicago Moms Blog are welcome to enter this contest!).  When you leave a comment, please be sure to leave a valid email address.  (We promise not to share this with anyone.  We simply need to contact you if you are the lucky winner!)

It's Your Fitness, Make it an ADVENTURE!


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Where to start? I deserve this because I need to have someone kick my butt to jump start my exercise routine again. I had joined the gym at work, but quit when we bought a machine for home. Do I use it? No....I have no idea why other than I'm just too busy at home. It's easier to eat lunch on the way from the gym. Help!

Oh dear...does three years still count as post-pregnancy? Count me waaaaay in.

Ok...after 3 kids, my engines need a jump! I don't know how to begin, and this may just be what I need! I need help...bad...now...or never.

Pls. pick me!

I'm trying to get in shape so that I can start trying to have a baby. I want to be healthy, as fit as possible, taking care of myself, and ready to get pregnant and make a healthy baby!!

Please help me finally get rid of these stubborn 10 lbs before I reach my 53rd birthday!

Oh, I have so much trouble getting myself into a fitness routine! I have such a busy, stressful job (6th grade teacher) that I find it hard to go out of my way to work out. I need to get in some habits that I can maintain around the 'hood or in my own home (no room for a machine either, the apartment is too small). My baby is now a year old, and I still look 4 months pregnant! I think that if someone could help me get into the routine, I would start to feel good enough about myself to keep it up!

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